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Chihuahuan Desert Grassland - Code: Ne7E

Habitat in a Nutshell

A sparse and open grassland dominated by bunchgrasses and dotted with yuccas and cacti. Global Habitat Affinities: European Desert Steppe Continental Habitat Affinities: Shortgrass Prairie, Mixed Grass Prairie, Chihuahuan Desert Species Overlap: Chihuahuan Desert; shortgrass prairie, Eastern Mesquite, Mexican Bunchgrass and Zacatonal.

Chihuahuan Desert Grassland - Code: Ne7E

Description of Habitat

This sparse and open grassland habitat is found in the valleys and basins of the Chihuahuan Desert in the sw. United States and n. and c. Mexico. It is dominated by multiple species of warm-season bunchgrasses of varying heights, scattered among a mixture of bare earth and low-growing shrubs, cacti, yuccas, and forbs. In many places, human degradation has increased the number of shrubs and turned these grasslands into shrub savannas. Chihuahuan desert grassland occurs in a region with warm, humid summers and cool, dry winters. The grasslands receive 9–24 in. (240–600mm) of rain in a typical year, with the majority of the rain falling in late summer in intense monsoon thunderstorms. The climate here is strongly seasonal—summer highs can regularly reach 105°F (40°C), and winter lows of 0°F (⎻18°C) are not unusual. 
Dozens of species of bunchgrasses can be found in Chihuahuan desert grassland, but the most widespread and dominant species are Black (Bouteloua eriopoda) and Blue (Bouteloua gracilis) Gramas, Bush Muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri), dropseeds (Sporobolus spp.), three-awns (Aristida spp.), Giant Sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii), and Tobosa (Pleuraphis mutica). While the majority of these grasses reach only 1–2 ft. (0.3–0.6m) in height, Giant Sacaton can form large bunches up to 6 ft. (2m) tall. Among the grasses are a scattering of small shrubs and succulents, including mesquites (Prosopis spp.), Creosote (Larrea tridentata), American Tarbush (Flourensia cernua), Winterfat (Krascheninnikovia lanata), pricklypears (Opuntia spp.), barrel cacti, agaves (Agave spp.), yuccas (Yucca spp.), chollas (Cylindropuntia spp.), and Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens). These shrubs and succulents, which may reach heights of 10 ft. (3m), provide important cover for wildlife. 
While shrubs are a natural part of this landscape, Chihuahuan desert grasslands have undergone widespread transition to shrublands over the past two centuries. This is largely due to overgrazing, soil loss, conversion to agriculture, and fire suppression. Only an estimated 15% of Chihuahuan desert grasslands remain healthy and intact.

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