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Florida Scrub - Code: Ne6D

Habitat in a Nutshell

A dry, open shrubland found on sandy soils in peninsular Florida. Global Habitat Affinities: None. Continental Habitat Affinities: None. Species Overlap: Eastern Pine savanna; Nearctic temperate deciduous forest.

Florida Scrub - Code: Ne6D

Description of Habitat

This hot, arid, open habitat is restricted to small areas of Florida, in the se. United States, and holds some unique fauna despite its small range. Florida oak scrub occurs on the sandy, nutrient-poor soils of inland ancient dune ridges as well as interior coastal dunes. The white sand soils are incredibly well drained, and despite the 50–60 in. (1,250–1,500mm) of rain received a year, this habitat remains very dry. 
There are rarely any trees, and the few that do occur are small and scattered Sand Pines (Pinus clausa) that grow only to a height of 30 ft. (10m). The majority of the vegetation occurs in the shrub layer, which is open to moderately dense and rarely more than 6 ft. (1.8m) tall. Myrtle Oak (Quercus myrtifolia) or Scrub Oak (Quercus inopina) are the two most dominant species. Sand Live Oak (Quercus geminata), Chapman’s Oak (Quercus chapmani), Crookedwood (Lyonia ferruginea), pricklypears (Opuntia sp.), and Florida Rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides) are usually present as well, and Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is often abundant. 
The herbaceous layer is sparse, and the ground cover is largely exposed sand. Scattered grasses and forbs do occur, with Florida Bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus), Gopher-apple (Licania michauxii), and Sandyfield Beaksedge (Rhynchospora megalocarpa) the most prominent species. This area is home to a high concentration of endangered plants (15 species), including the beautiful Florida Bonamia (Bonamia grandiflora), whose large purple-and-white flowers were once a common sight.

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