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Foothill Oak Shrubland - Code: Ne6E

Habitat in a Nutshell

A dense foothill shrubland in the Rocky Mountains, dominated by Gambel Oak. Global Habitat Affinities: Dehesa Oak Woodland. Continental Habitat Affinities: Madrean Encinal. Species Overlap: Ponderosa Pine Forest, Nearctic Western Riparian Woodland, Sagebrush Shrubland.

Foothill Oak Shrubland - Code: Ne6E

Description of Habitat

Foothill Oak Shrublands occur as a transitional habitat between lowland and montane habitats on the edge of the Rocky Mountains and in the Great Basin. These distinctive shrublands are arid or semi-arid and dominated by drought tolerant plants. Foothill oak shrublands receive most of their annual 10-27 in (250-700mm) of precipitation as snow, and patches of snow will linger here long after they have melted on the surrounding hillside.
This habitat is heavily dominated by dense, uniform stands of Gambel Oak (Quercus gambellii) that typically reach 3-8ft (0.9-2.5m) in height. Occasionally, Gambel Oak will also occur as a small tree giving this habitat a multilayered appearance. Typically, there are few other shrubs in this habitat though Big Sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata), Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia), Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus spp.), and Antelope Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) are frequently present. The habitat often occurs in a matrix of grasslands, with dominant species depending on neighboring habitats. Most dominant grasses are shared with Mixed Grass or Shortgrass Prairie.
Foothill Oak Shrublands provide good cover and nesting habitat in otherwise open country. The abundance of oaks also provides a good source of acorns that are a nutritious food source for wildlife.

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