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Mamane-Naio Dry Forest - Code: Ne5C

Habitat in a Nutshell

A dry high elevation woodland found on the leeward side of the Hawaiian Islands. Global Habitat Affinities: Malagasy Dry Deciduous Forest Continental Habitat Affinities: Caribbean Thornscub Species Overlap: Wet Ohi’a Lehua Koa Forest.

Mamane-Naio Dry Forest - Code: Ne5C

Description of Habitat

The Mamane-Naio Dry Forest is a short and shrubby evergreen forest found on the high and dry slopes of Mauna Kea. Currently, all mamane-naio habitat is found between 6000 and 9000 feet. The temperatures varies little throughout the year with highs between 60 and 70°F (15-21°C) and lows between 45 and 50°F (8-11°C).  The area receives 15-25 inches of rain, with the majority coming between the months of February and April. Due to the high elevation and intense sun, this habitat feels like many other arid thornscrubs and dry forests found globally. 70 degrees can feel shockingly hot in full sun at 8000 feet!

The canopy of Mamane-Naio Dry Forest is unsurprisingly comprised Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) and Naio (Myoporum sandwicense). These forests are rarely more than 25ft (7.5m) tall and become increasingly short and sparse as you move upslope. The canopy is quite open and the forest often grows in small dense patches with sizeable gaps. Ohi’a (Metrosideros polymorpha) is present around the periphery of the habitat but is never a key component. 

The shrub component is also dominated by Mamane and especially Naio and the distinction between tall shrubland and short forest often feels blurred. Other common native shrubs include ‘A’ali’i (Dodonaea viscosa), Pukiawe (Leptecophylla tameiameiae), and ‘Akoko (Chamaesyce olowaluana). The understory is interspersed with areas of unvegetated areas of cinder and volcanic rock. Vegetated areas are usually dominated alien grasses, especially Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum), Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) and Buffel Grass (Cenchrus ciliaris).

In all but the driest times of year, the Mamane is adorned with strands of golden flowers and long pale-green pods which are magnets for bird activity, especially Hawai’i Amakihi and Warbling White-eye.

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