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Nearctic Montane Spruce-Fir Forest - Code: Ne1C

Habitat in a Nutshell

A dense uniform forest of spruce and fir trees that grows at high elevations.

Nearctic Montane Spruce-Fir Forest - Code: Ne1C

Description of Habitat

This high-elevation habitat is in many ways a southern equivalent of the more northern Nearctic Boreal Forest. While the steep slope and rocky soil precludes the development of the muskegs and bogs found in the boreal forest, the structure and fauna are quite similar. Expansive and uniform, these forests form the seemingly endless, dark-green vistas that are typical of the high-elevation mountain west. This is a forest of the subalpine zone and often this is the last forested habitat encountered before reaching tree-line. This habitat is cold year-round, and has snow cover beginning as early as September and often persisting until mid-summer. The vast majority of the precipitation falls as snow, and annual precipitation generally totals 19-30in (500-800mm) in the Rocky Mountains. Snowfall is generally heavier in the Cascades and Sierra Nevada reaching upwards of 50in (1270mm).
These are relatively simple forests that we classify into two basic subtypes. The first, Rocky Mountain Spruce-Fir Forest is dominated by two species of narrow, slow-growing conifer: Englemann Spruce (Picea englemannii) and Subalpine Fir (Abies lasiocarpa). These two species form codominant or monotypic stands that rarely include other trees. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii ), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) do occur in small numbers, especially near areas of recent disturbance. These trees grow with even spacing and are typically 30-80ft (9-24m) tall, though individual trees can reach heights of 130ft (40m). The canopy is dense, ranging from 60-90% canopy cover, and often precludes the development of shrub and herbaceous layers. 
The second subtype, Sierra Nevada - Columbia Plateau Spruce-Fir Forest is similar in structure and fauna to the Rocky Mountain subtype but differs in the types of trees present and overall diversity. Dominant trees in this subtype are Red Fir (Abies magnifica), Noble Fir (Abies procera), Pacific Silver Fir (Abies amabilis), Lodgepole Pine, and Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga mertensia). In the Cascades Englemann Spruce and Subalpine Fir do appear but not as dominant trees. The forest here is slightly but appreciably taller than the Rocky Mountain type with canopy trees growing 50-100 ft (15-30m) in height. 
The shrub and herbaceous layers are typically sparse or absent due to late lingering snow and dense canopy. Shrubs that do occur include Cascade Azalea (Rhododendron albiflorum), Serviceberry (Amelanchier), Five-leafed Bramble (Rubus pedatus), Gooseberry (Ribes), buckbrush (Ceanothus), and willow (Salix). In areas that have experienced avalanches, blow-downs or other major disturbance, grassy meadows can be found. 

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