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Nearctic Tidal Mudflats - Code: Ne12B

Habitat in a Nutshell

Coastal areas of biologically rich soil that are exposed only at low tide or under favorable wind conditions. Global Affinities: Afrotropical tidal mudflat; Afrotropical salt pan; Palearctic tidal flat. Continental Affinities: None Species Overlap: North American Playas, Nearctic salt marsh; Nearctic sandy beach and dune.

Nearctic Tidal Mudflats - Code: Ne12B

Description of Habitat

Principally occurring at estuaries, bays, and lagoons, tidal mudflats are the result of rich organic material, sand, silt, and clay deposited by rivers. These mudflats are one of the most biologically productive habitats on the planet, as the constant flood of nutrients produces a massive amount of life, especially when compared to relatively sterile sand beaches and rocky coastlines. The unvegetated mudflats are exposed during low tides or when favorable winds result in the shifting of shallow waters. Once exposed, these open spaces, teeming with benthic invertebrates, become a crucial feeding area for masses of migratory birds and, to a lesser degree, resident coastal fauna.
In inland regions, mudflats are also associated with a variety of freshwater habitats, particularly where rivers and streams enter lakes. Mudflats also occur as a result of flooding in flat areas – especially agricultural sites and grasslands. These inland mudflats are also home to a wide array of migrant shorebirds but are less productive and highly ephemeral in nature.

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