Tropical Birding's Habitats of the World
'A Supplementary Website for Princeton's Habitats of the World: A Field Guide for Birders, Naturalists and Ecologists'
Rocky Canyon - Code: Ne2H
Habitat in a Nutshell
A largely abiotic habitat of sheer rock faces widely distributed in mountainous areas and arid zones. Global Habitat Affinities: Inselbergs and Koppies Continental Habitat Affinities: Glacier and Scree, Nearctic Sea Cliffs. Species Overlap: Overlaps broadly with adjacent habitats.
Description of Habitat
Rocky Canyons generally exist as small pockets within other habitat matrices. This habitat is largely devoid of vegetation and consists largely of large slabs of exposed rock, often with boulder strewn hillsides below. Cliffs and canyons typically form from sandstone, limestone, chalk, dolomite, granite and basalt.
A wide variety of geological processes can result in the formation of cliffs and canyons. Most canyons are the result of downcutting where flowing water erodes slowly down through its bed, creating steep embankments on either side. This is especially prevalent in areas with soft bedrock. The red sandstone of the Colorado Plateau. Has produced one of the most extensive canyonlands in the world and certainly the largest and most impressive example of this habitat in North America. Canyons are also formed when rivers downcut gaps between mountain peaks, and occasionally through tectonic activity. Especially narrow canyons with smooth walls are termed “slot canyons”. Canyons that only have one entrance are called “Box canyons”, during wetter times of year the closed wall of box canyons often feature waterfalls. Cliffs are generally more widespread than canyons and are formed by weathering, erosion, and occasionally geological uplift.
The structure and composition of cliffs and canyons depends largely on the surrounding bedrock. Different substrates produce specific microfeatures in to varying degrees. Important microfeatures for wildlife include narrow fissures, ledges, overhangs, potholes and caves. The defensibility and lack of predators make many cliffs important nesting sites for birds. For the large colonies of cliff-nesting sea birds, refer to Nearctic Sea Cliffs (pg.XX).
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