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Tamaulipan Mezquital - Code: Ne2F

Habitat in a Nutshell

A low, scrubby habitat made up of thorny bushes with small leaves, small spiny trees, and abundant cacti. Global Habitat Affinities: West Asian semi desert thornscrub, Inter-Andean Thornscrub, Tumbesian Thornscrub, Northern Dry Thorn Savanna, Southern Dry Thorn Savanna Continental Habitat Affinities: Eastern Mesquite, Caribbean Thornscrub  Species Overlap: Caribbean thornscrub, Eastern Mesquite, Pacific dry deciduous forest, Western Riparian Woodland (Lower Rio Grande Riparian Woodland), Chihuahuan Desert.

Tamaulipan Mezquital - Code: Ne2F

Description of Habitat

Tamaulipan Mezquital is a semi-arid, subtropical shrubland dominated by mesquite groves, small thorny trees and dense brush. This habitat can vary widely in structure. Typically this habitat is characterized by a short and relatively open canopy and a dense, brushy thicket in the midstory and understory, often with many vines. In drier areas with more frequent fire and less heavy grazing the habitat can also appear quite open and grassy.

Also known as mesquite shrubland, thornscrub or pastizal, this habitat has a mesquite-dominated canopy that reaches heights up to 20 ft. (6m). Mesquites (Prosopis spp.) are joined by Round-flowered Catclaw (Senegalia roemeriana), Guajillo (Senegalia berlanderi), Huisache (Vachellia farnesiana), Texas Ebony (Ebanopsis ebano), Torchwood (Amyris spp.) Sugar Hackberry (Celtis laevigata) and Granjeno (Celtis ehrenbergiana). This is the most diverse of the arid shrublands and the shrub layer can contain dozens of species. In more pristine areas, the understory is composed of species such as Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens), Blackbrush, Amargosa (Castela spp.), Lindheimer Pricklypear (Opuntia engelmanni), Berlandier Wolfberry (Lycium berlandieri), Coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana), Lotebush (Ziziphus obtusifolia), and Texas Persimmon (Diospyros texana), among others. This botanically rich shrub layer increases in both density and diversity with increasing rainfall from west to east. Degraded areas are heavily dominated by Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) and prickly pear (Opuntia spp.)

In more open areas, the understory is grassy and was historically dominated by Curly Mesquite Grass (Hilaria belangeri), Hooded Finger Grass (Trichloris pluriflora), and various grama grasses (Bouteloua spp.). Open, grassy mezquital has become rare with the alteration of fire and grazing regimes. In areas like the King Ranch of s. Texas, intensive and conscientious management has preserved some prime examples of mesquite grasslands that are preferred by many game species of birds and mammals. 

Tamaulipan Mezquital is a dynamic habitat that is subjected to frequent droughts, tropical storms, and fire. As a result, a single area can vary dramatically in appearance from year to year. 

Lower Rio Grande Riparian Woodland and Palm Groves are a habitat subtype that are closely allied with this habitat in terms of both floral and faunal species assemblages. However, as they are distinctly not arid shrublands, we chose to cover this habitat within the Nearctic Western Riparian Woodland.

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